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We need you more than ever!

As reported in our Annual Report for 2021, we were able to do many good things at the Homestead and Orchard thanks to your support, contributions, and volunteering.  If we are to continue this good work, funding and volunteering must continue. 

The Buckner Orchard and Homestead need our support more than ever!

It’s Personal We all have our own experiences that make the Buckner Orchard meaningful and personal.  Most are as simple as enjoying the location, the peace and tranquility, the history and beauty, or appreciating the wonderful Common Delicious apples.  Previously, Jim Trappe and I shared our stories as to why support for the Buckner Orchard is truly personal and important.

Brun Garfoot, a Foundation board member, who grew up at the Buckner Orchard during the earliest Park Service days, shares his experiences and why he supports the Foundation and its work at the Buckner Orchard. 

As someone why spent years climbing every apple tree to get the biggest one at the very top to eat, to watching the wildlife and community alike enjoy one of the pretty places in the Stehekin Valley, I am grateful to be able to support the Buckner Orchard into the future.  It is a special place for me as our family had the luxury and privilege of care taking it. Very few kids can call it home.  As a result, what ever I can do to insure that it is around for others to enjoy gives me great satisfaction.  This is why I support the Buckner Orchard Foundation and why I hope you can too. 
 ~ Brun Garfoot ~

Please join us today in supporting the Buckner Orchard, helping ensure that we and future generations, have the opportunity to create our own personal experiences and memories! 
 Herb Sargo, BHHF President

Memberships are one form of contributing funds to support the Foundation’s work at the Homestead and Orchard. 

RENEWALS – Quick and Convenient, renew digitally on-line (click here)

If you prefer, a check, made out to the Buckner Homestead Heritage Foundation (BHHF), should be mailed to PO Box 184, Manson, WA  98831.  As a renewal, we will have your information on file.  Please include your e-mail address, as this is how we receipt and communicate with members in a cost-effective manner.   And, your contribution is tax deductible as allowed by the IRS.

NEW MEMBERSHIP – Download and print the membership form found at this link (click here) and mail to PO Box 184, Manson, WA  98831.  Again, be sure to include your e-mail address.   Or, simply  use the link above for renewals for an easy on-line membership.  

  • Individual  –  $25.00  
  • Family  –  $50.00                                  
  • Business –  $75.00    
  • Patron  –  $100.00            
  • Benefactor – $250.00      
  • Steward  –  $500.00       
  • Sustainer – $1,000.00     
  • Or, any amount you choose! 

Please join us today with whatever level of membership you choose and help us assure a productive and successful future for the Buckner Homestead.   Not sure how your contribution will be used?  Then, review our 2021 Financial Summary, included in the Annual Report, at the link at the top of this message.  All Foundation work and administration is entirely by volunteers.

DONATIONS – Another form of support for the Homestead and Orchard is a donation. Monetary donations may be for a specific purpose or as a non-specific donation to the Foundation.  (click here) or mail your check as outlined above.)


Supporting the Orchard – It Is Personal
A year ago, I shared my realization that support for the Buckner Orchard is truly personal.  For me, it was easy; Harry Buckner was my grandfather, we lived in the Buzzard Cabin until I was six, and the connections and personal experiences grew from there.
We all have our own experiences that make the Buckner Orchard meaningful and personal.  Most are as simple as enjoying the location, the peace and tranquility, the history and beauty, or appreciating the wonderful Common Delicious apples.
Below, Jim Trappe, Corvallis, OR, professor emeritus at Oregon State University, and a BHHF Board member, shares his own story of how, in 1947, a 15 year-old boy from Spokane came to call the Buckner Ranch his home.  Many of you know Jim; the mushroom guy, story teller extraordinaire, long-time “Orchard groupie,” and friend.
Please join us today in supporting the Buckner Orchard, helping ensure that we and future generations, have the opportunity to create our own personal experiences and memories!  If you missed it, our 2020 ANNUAL REPORT provides a great picture of what the Foundation does to support the Orchard. (You’ll find the needed membership information immediately following Jim’s reflections.)
Herb Sargo
BHHF President

Why Supporting the Buckner Orchard is Personal to Me
Jim Trappe, February 2021

Like Herb, it’s easy for me to reflect on my time at the Buckner Ranch. Harry’s youngest daughter, Bucky, was a student at WSU at Pullman, and in 1947 Harry wrote to her to recruit 5 or 6 of her college chums to thin the heavy crop set of apples. My older sister agreed to come and asked if her little brother Jimmy could also come. I was 15, and Harry’s nephew, Bud Gills, also 15, was coming as well. Harry thought it would work well for us two boys to defend ourselves from all those college girls.

We boys stayed in the loft of the new shop by the Buzzard cabin. We all had a great time thinning apples and enjoying weekends exploring, swimming, goofing off, pestering the girls, and helping Herbie’s Dad build their new house down by the river. Bucky took us all to climb Mt. McGregor. I was a city boy (Spokane) and I loved it all. 

We were done thinning apples in early July, so we all prepared to leave. But I asked Harry if I could stay the rest of summer and work for room and board. That was fine for him, his wife Olive and my folks. My jobs were to keep the firewood boxes filled, milk the two cows, (Yes, Harry taught me how, including how to aim a teat to squirt a stream of milk to the barn cats who lapped it out of the air), turn the cows out pasture and bring them in for evening milking and feeding them some hay, helping Herb’s dad Tony to cut, haul and split firewood, take the red ford truck(now retired and siting in front of the house) to Maxwell’s hay field and load the cut hay to take back to the farm, and all kinds of other chores. Harry worked me hard, I thought too hard for just room and board, but a deal’s a deal and it was my idea, so I couldn’t complain. He and Olive were my “summer parents” and treated me so well!

Came the time to go back to Spokane for school (I had turned 16), I awaited Harry in the living room, packed and ready to be taken to the boat. Harry handed me a piece of paper:  a check for $500!!!!   I was puzzled, and he said “Well, Jim I intended to pay you and  you’ve  worked hard, but I didn’t tell you because you might go to the landing on weekends and splurge it all on Beryl’s hamburgers and Washington Nut pie. Instead, I want you to put it in the bank for college.” I was speechless! That was a fortune in 1946.
I worked all the next summer for Harry, Olive had died, so there was just the two of us in the house. Once in a while Herb’s parents,Tony and Irene, would visit friends for dinner, so I would toddler-sit little Herbie and his littler brother Chris.

While attending the University of Washington, I would often visit the Buckner Ranch during winter vacation.  Summers working trail crew or recreation guard at Stehekin kept me in Stehekin for more summers.   And, I’ve been coming back  several times a year ever since.  It’s my second home.


RENEWAL – Your check, made out to the Buckner Homestead Heritage Foundation (BHHF), should be mailed to PO Box 184, Manson, WA  98831.  As a renewal, we will have your information on file.  Please include your e-mail address, as this is how we receipt and communicate with members in a cost-effective manner.   And, your contribution is tax deductible as allowed by the IRS.
NEW MEMBERSHIP –  CLICK HERE to download a membership form to print and mail to PO Box 184, Manson, WA  98831.
Again, be sure to include your e-mail address.
Individual  –  $25.00
Business –  $75.00
Benefactor – $250.00
Sustainer – $1,000.00
Family  –  $50.00
Patron  –  $100.00
Steward  –  $500.00
Donation  –  $  ______

Another form of support for the Homestead and Orchard is a donation. Monetary donations may be for a specific purpose or as a non-specific donation to the Foundation.

2021 Events

2021 Tentative Events:

May 10
Annual Meeting, Manson
7 PM, Monday evening

June 17
Orchard Work Party, Stehekin
8:30 AM, Thursday

July  17
Orchard Work Party, Stehekin
8:30 AM,  Saturday

August 7
Square Dance at the Orchard, Stehekin
7 PM, Saturday evening

October 1
Fall Work Party, Stehekin
9 AM,  Friday

October 1-3
Harvest Fest
2021 details coming soon

Membership Drive

We need you more than ever!

We were able to do many, many good things at the Homestead and Orchard thanks to your support, contributions, and volunteering.  If we are to continue this good work, funding and volunteering must continue, as well.

In this uncertain time, it’s still unknown just what specific impact continued federal budget cuts will have on the work at the Orchard. We do know there will likely be a loss of time and/or resources available to the National Park Service this year, making our work all the more important.   The Buckner Orchard and Homestead need our support more than ever!

Memberships are one form of contributing funds to support our work at the Homestead and Orchard.

Your check, made out to the Buckner Homestead Heritage Foundation (BHHF), should be mailed to PO Box 184, Manson, WA  98831.  As a renewal, we will have your information on file.   Please include your e-mail address, as this is how we receipt and communicate with members in a cost-effective manner.

Download and print the membership form found here, and mail to PO Box 184, Manson, WA  98831.  
Again, be sure to include your e-mail address.

Individual  –  $25.00
Business  –  $75.00
Benefactor  –  $250.00
Sustainer  –  $1,000.00
Family  –  $50.00
Patron  –  $100.00
Steward  –  $500.00

Another form of support for the Homestead and Orchard is a donation. Monetary donations may be for a specific purpose or as a non-specific donation to the Foundation.

Please join us today with whatever level of membership you choose and help us assure a productive and successful future for the Buckner Homestead.   Not sure how your contribution will be used?  Then, review our 2016 Financial Summary at the end of the Annual Report here.   All Foundation work and administration is entirely by volunteers.

2017 Events

Plan your year!

May 15th
Annual Meeting
7 PM @ the Reclamation District Office, Manson

June 15th
Orchard Work Party
8:30 AM, Buckner Orchard, Stehekin

July 15
Orchard Work Party
8:30 AM, Buckner Orchard, Stehekin

August 12
Square Dance at the Orchard
7 PM, Old Packing Shed, Stehekin

August 14
Summer Board Meeting
8 AM, Bakery Gazebo, Stehekin



Friday, October 6
Orchard Work Party
Buckner Orchard, 9 AM

Valley Music Program
Stehekin School, 7 PM

Saturday, October 7   Harvest Fest
Buckner Orchard, Stehekin
10 AM, picking and pressing
1 PM  potluck and music

Sunday, October 8   Poetry Night
7 PM, Bakery Cabin #1,