Why get involved?
You protect and conserve the historic Buckner Orchard and Ranch. You can receive updates on Foundatio and NPS activities benefiting the Ranch. You can provide input regarding the protection and conservation of this historic site. You leave a legacy for future generation to understand and enjoy. You can receive an annual report, including a summary of income and expenses for the year.
Want to get involved? Click here to see a full list of Volunteer Tasks >>
Memberships and
CLICK HERE to Donate Online
Donations to the Foundation and Orchard may be of several different kinds, all of which support our work at the Historic Buckner Orchard.
CLICK HERE to Become a Member
Memberships are one means of supporting the work of the Buckner Homestead Heritage Foundation in preserving the Historic Buckner Orchard.
CLICK HERE to download a membership form to print and mail.
General Donation These funds become a part of the general fund and may be used to address immediate or on-going needs at the Orchard.
Fund a project
Priority projects are identified annually by the National Park Service, and can be funded by individual contributions, and facilitated by the Foundation.
CLICK HERE to view all projects.
Targeted Donations Funds may be donated for a specific purpose, i.e., to purchase a specific piece of equipment, to support a specific event, to contribute to a specific use.
In-Kind Donations Pieces of equipment or tools, such as needed ladders, may be donated, as may historical objects, photographs, or other items appropriate to the Buckner Homestead.
Please contact the Foundation directly if you are interested in funding a project, a targeted donation, or in-kind donation. bucknerorchard@aol.com
Our primary means of communication with members is through blind copy e-mail. This method allows us to quickly share information with members in a cost-effective manner.
All funds are used specifically to support the Buckner Orchard and Ranch.
The Buckner Homestead Heritage Foundation is a not-for-profit organization created specifically to support and preserve the Buckner Homestead and Orchard in Stehekin, Washington, and is registered as such with the State of Washington and the IRS (Tax ID #452913458).